For a range of medical conditions it can be beneficial to sleep
with your feet lower than your knees.
The majority of articles say that it is more beneficial to sleep
with your feet raised however, we are not all the same.
There is an infinite range of positions, and everyone is
different so how do you find the perfect position for your feet
to suit you.
Raise or lower your feet at night
Our standard 5-part adjustable bed mechanism will raise the leg section flexing at the knee and bringing the lower leg section up in a horizontal position.
Can an adjustable bed lower the feet below the knee?
For complete control only the 4-motor adjustable bed mechanism will give you the control to lower your feet to the desired position below the knee.
Can an adjustable bed raise the feet higher than the knee?
Raising the legs will bring the legs up in a straight line, additional buttons on the hand control can then adjust the feet to the perfect position either higher or lower than the knee.
Enhanced Functionality, The 4-Motor Adjustable Bed Mechanism
Our 4-Motor mechanism has two separate units each containing two motors. This is what gives the complete control that can be essential in certain circumstances.
Can an adjustable bed raise the neck separately from the back?
This allows the user to elevate the back section of the adjustable bed and then independently raise the neck section to the desired position. This is in contrast to the standard 5-part mechanism which is controlled by two motors housed in one unit. By default, the neck raises gradually as the back section is raised.
If this is the best adjustable bed mechanism, why are they not included as standard?
Offset against the enhanced functionality is the additional cost.
The 4-Motor Adjustable Bed Mechanism is considerably more expensive.
We have not shown it as an option in our 'Build-An-Adjustable-Bed' feature on our website but can be found with current prices Here
Benefits of elevating the back and raising the feet when sleeping
Without going into too much detail as there is so much written on the internet for you already, here's a short list.
Raising the Feet can Improve Blood Circulation
Blood circulates easier in a laying down position with your feet raised compared to standing or even laying down with your legs flat.
An Adjustable Bed Will Reduce The Risk Of Blood Clots
Sleeping with your legs in a raised position improves blood circulation and in turn will reduce the risk of blood clots and ease pain.
Will An Adjustable Bed Help Sciatica And Back Pain
Sleeping with your back in a raised position will reduce the
pressure of the lumbar disks in the small of the back reducing
pressure on the sciatic nerve. The combination of elevating your
back and raising your feet will reduce the pain of sciatica.
an adjustable bed will do all this but upgrading to our 4-Motor
Adjustable Bed Mechanism with independent control of the neck,
back, legs and feet will be even more beneficial.